Tuesday, August 23, 2011

OCD is raining terror on my blog.

When I made this blog, I promised myself that I would actually keep it.
I have many things I want to write about.
The problem is my half OCD and half ADHD.

What is OCD?

Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder is an anxiety disorder. Some signs and symbols of this are paranoia as well as compulsions. But the thing most common and dominant is the fixation to details. There is a want to organize things, to do things in a certain manner meticulously. Though being a perfectionist doesn't make you an OCD patient right away. This is already used a a lexicon meaning.

What is ADHD?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is primarily characterized by the existence of both attention problems and hyperactivity. Here a person has a hard time keeping focus on only one thing because her mind wonders away to other things that she notices or that can occupy her. Therefore not being able to finish what she has started first.

As it is human nature to blame others... I blame those two disorders. > <
Why? It is because when i started this blog, I posted the first one at 12mn.
Therefore my OCD is pushing me to ONLY post during 12mn, and if it's before or past that I have no drive to do it at all. But my ADHD is making me do so many things at the same time that occupies my time, therefore I cannot watch the exact time I should be making my posts.

I need help. T^T
But anyway, now I will post whenever I want, when I feel like it.

Now I make my own time.
I won't let it distort the reality that I want.
It won't wait for me, I know.
But I shall be a slave to time no more.

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