Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Mineral Town Challenge 014

So we now start our weeks on Sundays. Have I mentioned that I hate Seasons? (I told my husband this and he thought I was talking about real life, so yeah. I hate it in real life too. I only like cloudy days and Autumn.)

After the morning farming, I was invited to a flea market, so why not. I have to do the house 3rd (and final) upgrade anyway. I knew I needed a couch, and a new chair. So here's the chair I bought! Luckily, the couch (no longed pictured) was the same type!! 

Then later in the afternoon, Kai just showed up at my lot, and of course I let him in. It's not against the challenge rules. 😁 He presented himself in like this. 😆 I had to snap a photo!
Since he was already at my house, I did some friendly interactions (no Romance interactions allowed unless on an official "date" date -- from the calendar). 

Monday rolls along, and I decided it was time to make those upgrades. Also, now, we have a Thunderstorm. Have I mentioned that I hate Seasons?! (I have this pack because my sister wanted it -- there.) I recently just added the mod from LittleMsSam to add a variety of umbrellas! ðŸ˜

Here are the new house updates. I really wanted it to look like the upgrades in the Harvest Moon games, I did use the new Story of Seasons : Friends of Mineral Town as reference.

How did I do?

I couldn't make my house longer on the sides because it's not like I can make this how Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons' houses are all made like Tardis. ðŸ˜… I didn't want to mess up the outside too much. So the outside was based on the older games' house upgrade.

See? ðŸ˜…

The thunderstorm makes me not want to have Clair go out, because it messes up the buffs. Anyway, she was hungry and decided to make Onigiri! 

If that's not IG worthy, I don't know what is! ðŸ˜

That evening, my bestie Ann called and invited me (Clair) to go to a festival, I forgot which one!) So, I figured it would be a good time to also invite Popuri and Sasha (the townies I need to be friends with in order to get closer to winning this challenge). 

I swear the decorations are on point! ❤️ I'm so in love with this! And yes, my friends just went and got a table for themselves. RUDE. 

We all stayed until we finished watching the fireworks, it was awesome.

We finally have a non-rainy day. Of course there's a heat wave because Seasons. I promise, I won't just keep hating on this pack -- maybe. Clair went into the town to talk to some more people. It's always important to create a good rapport with all the townies (in HM game mechanics). She went to visit Popuri first, and ran into Kai. (It's meant to be!)

Popuri's Mom

Popuri was there too, but again, I forgot to take pictures. Clair invited Popuri to Doug's restaurant as well, and they've upped their restaurant! Look they now have a buffet! (Thanks LittleMsSam!). Cliff was there as well, and again, I forgot to take pictures (I got focused on actually playing). ðŸ˜…

Yum! ðŸ’›

From those 3 days, we've earned §5.7k (I forget to log how much a day I'm getting) ðŸ’ĶA few of my plants have also evolved to "Excellent" quality, and a the Summer plants have evolved to "Nice". ðŸ‘Œ

It's Wednesday and I finally took note of how much I make daily: §1,274, I'm not sure if it varies or not.

Whoops! What happened? Let's try to revive those plants!

Thanks goodness Sims plants do not just die like in the real world. 😅

Giving my Chickadee some 💛💛💛

Also trying to give cruelty meat plants another go. Maybe it will work this time?

At midnight Caramel was born!!! Omigosh, how cute is this little calf?! (yes, puppy, whatever -- no it's a calf!)

On this same day, Thursday, it was raining so after the farm duties Clair headed to Doug's Restaurant to try their Vegetarian menu. Oh, boy! He sure makes those look like they're made with real meat!

Today, Clair and Ann officially became besties! ðŸ’› One more and I can start really making a move on Kai. ðŸ˜ Here's to hip bumps and side hugs. 💛💛💛

Friday comes and I decided to have Clair visit the supermarket. There Clair met Karen for the first time! They immediately get along! They're definitely going to be besties in the making. 

Back at the farm, we successfully harvested some faux meat cube!! It must be because Clair is now level 8 at gardening and that must've helped? I dunno.  ðŸ˜…

Ladies and gentlemen, with that, we have 15 variety of crops sold! I can finally get a bigger lot! More plants here we go! ðŸ’šðŸ’šðŸ’š

Another Festival on Saturday! Clair went with the whole gang! I forgot the name of this festival but it seems like it's Spring themed, even though it's Summer? ðŸĪ·ðŸŧ‍♀️ Nevertheless, it was so beautiful! Here's also a random cameo of Karen (the girl with a two-toned hair, she does NOT act like a "Karen" at all!)

Tomorrow we begin upgrading the rest of the farm! I have no clue on what to do because I am NOT good at landscaping or layouts in any farms/sims. ðŸĪ·ðŸŧ‍♀️

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