Sunday, June 13, 2021

Mineral Town Challenge 013

So Clair woke up at 12:48AM and started tending to the farm, I guess she just couldn't sleep anymore. She went to the Oreo and Choco and there were no "harvest dairy" options -- weird. I've updated KS's My first farm animals mod already, so I went in the re-updated, and went into CAS fulleditmode -- well, there's the problem! My farmer trait and the calves' dairy traits were missing. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Clair's going to just have cake for breakfast. Where did she get this cake?!

Also, I am trying to re-learn all my settings from last year, and was not able to use "headlineeffects off" right before this picture. 

I'm re-linking the rules of this Challenge. Whew. (Can't we just start playing? No.) I tweaked some General Rules from when I started because there were packs I didn't own. Now that I have both Seasons and Cats and Dogs, I have to play by those Seasonal Harvest Moon Rivals Challenge Rules as well as the Seasonal Mineral Town Challenge Rules. Maybe I should just restart? 😵 Nah. 

Despite the fact that I said: 
This is what my sister wanted to her birthday, so now we have it. 😭
If you know me, I have to follow by the rules, so I had to turn all the weather options on. 😭

As I continue where I left off from this challenge (rather than restarting), we are now set on Autumn. ((I may have to cheat and change to Summer, because technically I just ended Week 4 in-game, right? Right?

I have set all the required Holidays:

Click the Photo to Enlarge (If you're interested).

We are now officially on Summer Day 5 (because it's Thursday... I do not think there is a cheat to make the time/day go backwards...). 

We are officially ready to work (play this challenge). Let's go! 😁

Clair de Lune 2021

The worst part getting Seasons... Clair now have dead plants. 😭😭😭
According to SnarkyWitch (Briar Rosethorn), as long as she has 15 crops which has good quality or higher, she can get a bigger plot land for farming. Guess how many she has? ... 14. 😑😤

Clair had to make sure to sell all her harvest today before going to the Supermarket to buy seasonal seeds. She's made §12,000! Woots! Off to the Supermarket, she got Basil. One kind is all she needs anyway, before a plot land upgrade! We'll see what else would be there to plant after that. She didn't really get to talk to anyone today, but we'll see tomorrow. 

Closing off Thursday.

This bachelor just called! <3 
So, I to check if he's "available" to talk to on a Friday, since we have to play by Harvest Moon date rules.
Rick = 3
Gray = 2
Kai = 6
Dr. Trent = 1
Cliff = 5
According to unlock conditions from HMRC rules he is only unavailable on Sundays! So, I answered the call: 

A-ha! Yes, yes, yes!

So we didn't really go on a date, I guess he was just asking that was an option? BUT according to the calendar, tomorrow is Summer Day 7 which means it's Firefly Date day!

Fire Fly Date Successful!!! 
Week 5 is officially in the books. 

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