Thursday, July 12, 2012

A Post sooooooooo late...

It's about Tanabata. July 7 every year.

You might have heard about it already. But please don't say it's JUST a star festival. It is not. The story behind it goes like this...

There was a Princess (orihime) and a cowherd (hikoboshi). They both did their jobs well, weaving, and taking care of the cows respectively. That is until they met. Well they fell in love.
You know what happens when people fall in love. Everything around them blurs and they just focus on each other. Because of this, both of them stopped minding their tasks. The King was of course angered. The people on Earth were not getting fabric and the cows (that're somehow among the stars) are scattered and not being taken care of. So the King separated them by creating a huge river (of stars: Amanogawa) that the of them cannot cross.
The Princess cried and cried, and the cowherd also depressed... both of them could not properly work. So the King finally gave in. He said that if they would do their jobs properly for a year they can have a day for themselves, and yes, that is every July 7th of each year. Both of them diligently worked each time, with the hopes of meeting again.
Oh.. but there is a catch. If on that night, it rains... the river would get too huge and overflow that they would still not be able to meet. ╯▂╰ So each year too... for the children and some couples in China and Japan they would pray for no rain. And they would write their wishes on paper and put it on bamboo leaves, believing that the meeting of the two lovers would create a miracle making their wishes come true.
This post was late because my boyfriend and I argued on the night if Tanabata. ::>_<:: But we're fine now.(^▽^)

Thank you for reading through. Also my student said... it doesn't rain in outer space right? So they can probably meet up every year~ y^o^y

Orihime, hikoboshi and Amanogawa are Altair, Vega and the Milky Way respectively. :) Tanabata (七夕) means "evening of the 7th".

So what would your wish be? ≧﹏≦

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