Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Summer = Play

A lot of kids from 0-99 play when it's summertime. It could be any form of play. Some prefer to play actively whether it's inside or outside. My 5-year-old and 3-year-old are so different when it comes to playing.

My husband and I love video games, it was very easy to assume our children would too. My older one took to gaming a lot faster than we intended. ^^" Kyle and I planned that his first game will be Pokemon Fire Red (or a remake for whatever console is available) when he's 10. We didn't take into account that he would be independently reading by 4! So, last year, he started playing Pokemon Let's Go Eevee and Pokemon Blue (yes, on the old Gameboyboy). Granted, he hasn't finished both games -- I mean he was just 4 then. Since then he has defeated Super Mario Odyssey 6 times, and Cuphead twice.

My 3-year-old like any other younger sibling is interested in everything his big brother is playing. Everything. If you don't pay attention to him, he will take your phone and throw it, cover it, or turn the computer off (ask Kyle). XD He will sit and watch, or play (when bubby lets him) but he will fidget. He bounces, runs around, and everything. His favorite past time right now is to hand you a weapon (toy), so he can hit you. We have a rule in the house that you cannot hit anyone who does not have a weapon -- so he found a loophole. His favorite weapon -- a shovel.

Daddy has been busy with mobile games unless it's the weekend when he tries to play PC games with his brother. (I am not saying he doesn't do anything else, but we're talking about games, so yes.)

This mommy on the other hand is playing Sims 4 while waiting for the Pokemon Isle of Armor update. I play some DS games and Love Nikki on the side. My type of game is story-driven games.

Every day, we play together actively. We've played the floor is lava, hide and seek, some roughhousing (that's a Kyle and the boys' thing), and story-tell with some open-ended toys.

How's your summer play?

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